
Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

DZR update

Hey folks, fuck yeah we will playing some shows for the rest of the year. Check it out and have some beer with us. We are also writing material for the new record. Very stoked.

Here are the dates:

10/10/2013 with Pyramido (Sweden) @ Black Label, Leipzig

19/11/2013 with Windhand (US) and Pilgrim (US) @ Cassiopeia, Berlin

23/11/2013 with Planks (GER) @ Chemiefabrik, Dresden

13/12/2013 with Deathrite (GER) and Nightslug (GER) @ Kassel

14/12/2013 with Deathrite (GER) @ tba

15/12/2013 with Deathrite (GER) @ tba cheers DZR

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